Perennial fantasy fuck-up Lee Evans just got a four-year, $37.25 million contract extension Thursday which included $18.25 million in guarantees. Here we are in the midst of a $700 billion congressional and senate bail-out and a guy with one TD in four games becomes one of the highest paid receivers in the league. Fuck you Buffalo Bills mangement.
Friday, October 3, 2008
I know, I couldn't believe they offered me $37 million either!
Labels: bailouts, Fuck me, the guy made a million dollars
Posted by Buh-Bay at 12:36 PM 0 comments
Boo effing hoo
Listen, I know what you're thinking. But we're taking the series back to Milwaukee and if there's anything that fires up multi-millionaire athletes it's the screaming adulation of 47,000 obscenely drunk fans.

Labels: HAHAHA you assholes are gonna get swept, Old Style-tinis, Praying to baby jebus that the crew makes it a series
Posted by Number 2 at 11:27 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Tonight's Pick'em: Sarah got mad game
Brewers over Phillies- This isn't even a fair fight. Carsten Charles has been loading up on cheese steaks for the last 48 hours. He'll have enough carbs to take a victory lap wearing the Liberty Bell as a hat. Brett Meyers get rocked and calls another writer a "retard" during the post game. Boom, outta here. Memo to all Brewers, steer clear of the shitters after the 8th.
Cubs over Dodgers- This is basically a coin flip. Me thinks Big Z pitches well and the Cubs get the bats going. This pick is win-win for me personally. If the Cubs win I'm right. If they lose I get to watch their fans walk to the exits like they just took part in the world's first mass colonoscopy. I think Katie Couric would be pleased.
Biden over Palin- Palin's previous debate experience included a gubernatorial bloodbath between her and two other douche bags, who bickered for 2 hours. She stood off to the side, made some witty comments and never had to prove she had a grasp on the issues. To be honest, I'm hoping Palin falls flat on her face. I'd love to wake up tomorrow and see Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar gang banging Elisabeth Hasselbeck on this issue until she cries. I have to tell myself there's nothing wrong with watching The View to see people get emotionally hurt.
Labels: 10000 Cubs fans get colostomy bags, Atkins, First 10, Hillary never had to face this kind of sexism
Posted by Buh-Bay at 3:07 PM 0 comments
Let's get crazy we just beat them Cowboys!
Jim Zorn went back to the George Allen archives for this cheese-wiener celebration. Now that I think about it, Allen might have been the last Skins coach to win at Dallas. Seriously when was the last time those turds won in Dallas? Anyways I'm sure it was orange slices and Mountain Dew for the effort those boys put forth.
Labels: Geroge who?, Hip-Hip, lame celebration
Posted by Buh-Bay at 12:15 PM 1 comments
Ode to a dying breed...
One of my fondest childhood memories came at age 6 when was I sitting in the living room watching Slap Shot on our newfangled VCR. It was me, my old man, my little bro and two neighbor kids 7 years older than me. All of the sudden dad jumps up, kneels in front of the screen and starts beating on the TV like the reception was bad. My two neighbors were going ape-shit, "Get outta the way!", they chuckled. Years later I would discover that the old man had indeed prevented me from seeing my first topless woman, the bastard. Oh yes, at the tender age of 6 I had missed out on the Reg Dunlop-Hanrahan's wife topless pillow talk scene.
Paul Newman made plenty of great movies, but what seperates him from the jerkoff Hollywood headliners of today is the fact that he's a man's man. I mean honestly, if you hear anyone say they can relate to Brad Pitt or George Clooney punch that asshole in the mouth. Oh yeah, Paul also raised about a quarter of a billion dollars for various charitable causes, and you never saw him bragging about it. I can see why so many women wanted to sleep with this man. I mean that in a straight way ladies.
Labels: I swear I'm straight, Paul Newman, VCRs
Posted by Buh-Bay at 12:52 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Schadenfreude, it feels so good...
Witness a jaded town
Everyone meet Michelle. She's just your average Wrigleyviller throwin' back an Old Style(Amstel Light) before the NLDS at Wrigley. After sporting a league best regular season record the Cubbies reverted to shells of their last 100 years with a game one loss.
Note to Michizzle, your parents didn't pay good money for your education so you could relocate to the most superficial neighborhood in the Midwest and embrace a bunch of losers. And the Cubs too.
Labels: Losers, We know that's not Old Style, Wrigleyville please implode
Posted by Buh-Bay at 11:00 PM 0 comments
F. U. Cubs/Phillies
Labels: F THE CUBS, liberal use of jewish stereotypes, PLAYOFFS
Posted by Number 2 at 1:51 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
The force is strong with this one...
So Doug Melvin is the Vader to Ned Yost's Captain Atilles?
Labels: glad i didn't buy a season ticket package to secure post season rights, poorly constructed nerd anaolgies
Posted by Number 2 at 12:24 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Ah, Expectation Day!
Holy fuck. NFL Kick-Off '08 is finally here bitches! To commemorate this glorious day the NFL has a real treat in store for us. Usher, Keith Urban, and Natasha Blendingsomething are set to give a real shot of life to the crowd of thousands at Columbus Circle. If you can't make it to NY be sure to check out the action on That is if you can get past the Forbidden Kingdom DVD commercial and watching Bill Cowher blubbering about his daughter's reaction to his Super Bowl victory. Let the perennial NFL commercialization juggernaut begin.
By the way, the NFL has a list of local establishments you can watch the opener at. If these people can't find anything better to in New York than watch Usher and Keith Urban pretend to be into each other's music, they'll need some guidance.
Labels: Buh-Bay, I wanna see an Ursher-Keith Urban duet, NFL Doublestuft oreo Kickoff
Posted by Buh-Bay at 3:34 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Ned Yost has his priorities straight
Brewers skipper Ned Yost is miffed that CC Sabathia got jobbed out of a no-hitter on Sunday at Pittsburgh. An error in the scorekeeper's judgement left Sabathia one hit away from a no-no. Sunday "was the day it should have been a no hitter," he said. "It takes away from that aspect. The celebration with your teammates, the excitement of the plane ride home, that's all gone. Whatever they call it they missed their opportunity to do it right."
You know what else is exciting on the plane ride home? Gaining ground on the team that's been leading your division for the entire summer.
Labels: safety dance, whogives a rat's ass sunday, Yost with the most
Posted by Buh-Bay at 9:50 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 14, 2008
That's sohhhh Swisha!
Yesterday John Donovan of officially became responsible for wetting the panties of every baseball fan in the Windy City. But the drippiest undies of them all might reside in the trousers of White Sox outfielder Nick Swisher. When asked of the possibility of an all-Chicago World Series Nick appears to transform into a 16 year old girl, from 1999. "Oh my god. That would be am-aaa-zing," says the 27 year old. Swish goes on to further remove himself from his age group, "You know what it would be like? You know what it would be like? Like Varsity Blues. That movie? Where the town shuts down? That's exactly what it would be. Every bar, every sports bar, every pub would be absolutely packed. You couldn't move."
If this series comes to fruition, and the Sox win, I expect to see Swisher crack a couple bottles of Old Style and hose himself down, Tweeter style. Like amazing.
Labels: 1999, Swisher whacks it to James Van Der Beek, White Sox fans kinda ashamed
Posted by Buh-Bay at 10:07 AM 0 comments
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Jonesin' For A Fix

Well, he did it. Matt Jones was arrested early Thursday on felony drug charges as officers found him using an expired Truckers gift card to cut up presumably his cousin’s cocaine with two others in a parked SUV. Officers drew their guns after Jones rolled down his window and belligerently asked how much it would cost for a Z.J.
Labels: Disco Shiz, Kids With Horns, The Cage
Posted by The Saint at 11:02 AM 0 comments
Friday, May 9, 2008
Easy there, big fella...
Labels: .200 hitting formerly average players, knocking the blog rust off, Slap fight
Posted by Number 2 at 12:21 PM 1 comments
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Memo to Vogue...
Please don't.
The New York Post has announced that the pompous ass wipes at Vogue magazine have found pimping anorexic chicks to be rather dreary. Instead the know-it-alls at Vogue will incorporate athletes in an annual issue devoted to size and shape, with Cavs star and cover boy LeBron James teaming with Gisele Bündchen. According to the Post this is groundbreaking, and might I add, sort of racist.
"This would break all the rules of a Vogue cover. Seldom does editrix Anna Wintour put on her cover: (a) more than one model, (b) a man, (c) a person of color."
Geraldine Ferraro thinks those remarks are out of order. Now you may be thinking, "If they've got LeBron on the cover, I can't wait to see who else made the issue." Yes you can. Get this, swimmer Michael Phelps, snowboarder Shaun White, and reality TV star/speed skater Apolo Anton Ono. Nice work you assholes. Team a superstar in a sport America cares about with a swimmer who can't handle his booze, a stoner, and whatever the hell Yoko's brother does. By the way Gisele, if LeBron hands you a baseball bat with no tape on it, let it be. TB might not think to highly of that.
Labels: Annie Lebowitz can eat shit, Magazines men don't care about, shitty Olympians
Posted by Buh-Bay at 9:57 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
"Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son."
Looks like John Daly found a way to get dumped by his coach...

Labels: A pistol whipping for the next guy who says "Shenanigans", bloated golfers, Cartons on sale? Fuck and Yes.
Posted by Number 2 at 10:07 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 10, 2008
Where we're going we don't need roads
So far the 2008 NFL free agency has been overshadowed by Spygate and the fact that Phil McConkey type talent is fetching Jerry Rice type coin. In spite of that it's heartwarming to see a couple of guys with depleted talent get generous contracts from their former teams. Warrick "I've built more houses than Katrina knocked down" Dunn is heading back to Tampa and Trent "I left my equilibrium in Houston" Green has found a home back in St Louis.
This is good for three reasons. One, Cadillac Williams should be on IR by week 4, which should allow Dunn plenty of snaps. Two, Trent Green will be able to see his kids graduate while not being concussed on the bench in St Louis. And three, I got to incorporate Back to the Future into this blog. Great Scott!
Labels: Back to the Future, Doc Brown, Neurology
Posted by Buh-Bay at 7:55 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 6, 2008
I took last week off due to a new 50" Plasma. I put the baby oil and towels away. Here we go...

Labels: End of an era = single tear, Fare thee well Favre, You too can drink with John Daly
Posted by Number 2 at 9:28 PM 0 comments
Saturday, February 23, 2008

Labels: Aryan Princesses, destructive power of 11 year old boys and photographs, patricide
Posted by Number 2 at 8:07 AM 0 comments
Saturday, February 16, 2008
25,000,001 Reasons to Live
I'm not a pro athlete or anything, but I imagine some celebrity hoops MVP hardware would soothe the pain of any colossal playoff failure. TO led some B-listers to victory over some other B-listers in a game that was filled with enough stereotyping to qualify as a pitch for a Wayans brothers project.
Taylor Hicks executing the classic mouth agape head fake. Might want to dish whitey. What? I'm just saying, he's got some gray lettuce.
"That's my friend Stacy. I got her some auditions in Hollywood, but after Charmed ended I had to steal the Sheer Cover infomercial from her. She's pretty cute, huh? If you introduce me to Luke, we could all double."
Balling against insignificant white and asian celebs is fun.
Terry Crews attempts to make amends for doing Soul Plane. Taylor Hicks might be buying it, but I'm sure as hell not.
Labels: not helping with rebuilding New Orleans, that's my quarterback, that's my teammate, Who the fuck is Tony Potts?
Posted by Buh-Bay at 1:39 PM 0 comments
Friday, February 15, 2008
An excuse for me to list things and make fun of them anyone? Read on...

Labels: Cum Dempsters, His Name is Purple Jesus, Open a window and let some of this innuendo out
Posted by Number 2 at 12:01 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Belle of the Ball(s)

Labels: Brady Quinn Hand Party, Confusion/Identity issues, Poppin' collars?
Posted by Number 2 at 4:52 PM 0 comments
Time Outs? Who Needs ‘Em
A new line of Sports Diapers called “Sprints” has been tested and approved by the FDA this morning. Gerber Inc. (GBR) said in a news conference that their company is moving on to new horizons in the sports market. “Surely at the very least these sports diapers will save on time outs,” said Gerber CEO Wiley T. Square.
Labels: Number 2, Scooters, Xtreem Pantry Parties
Posted by The Saint at 11:10 AM 0 comments
F.H. Hump Day Poll (Valentimes Edition):
Labels: Cunning, Dodge Ball, Freeing the snakes from Ireland
Posted by The Saint at 9:13 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
It's funny because it's true
I'm not going to categorize this as a shocking revelation, but Chris Berman loves the sound of his own voice, even during outakes. Calling Al Michaels fuckhead is pretty weak though. The only shocking revelation is that it apparently takes Boomer more than thirty-two seconds to come up with one of his patented unfunny play on names.
Labels: Al Michaels, fuckhead, Sunday night is fun again
Posted by Buh-Bay at 10:56 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 11, 2008
A 3 year deal, A 3 year deal
On Monday Minnesota hoops fans broke out in a rewarding round of laughter so loud, that it could've woke Amy Winehouse after a four day crack bender. It seems our old buddy Latrell Sprewell is in a bit of a financial crisis.
Former NBA star Latrell Sprewell's home is up for foreclosure and his yacht sold at auction to help pay off the $1.3 million he owes on the boat, according to court filings.
Sprewell, who once turned down a three-year,$21 million contract extension saying, "I've got my family to feed," has apparently fallen on tough times. RBS Citizens NA, or Citizens Bank, filed a foreclosure suit last week in Milwaukee County for the $405,000 home Sprewell bought in the Milwaukee suburb of River Hills in 1994.
Last month, Sprewell's 70-foot yacht, named "Milwaukee's Best," was sold at auction for $856,000 to a man from Milwaukee. It was originally worth about $1.5 million.
A federal marshal seized the boat last summer in Manitowoc, about 80 miles north of Milwaukee, where it was in storage.
Copyright 2008 by The Associated Press
"Make me an offer son. Cassell once had a threesome with Gary Payton and Penny Marshall right on the bow."
You know you're screwed when you can't afford a home in a Milwaukee suburb. I guess 21 million doesn't go as far as it used to. By the way, kudos to anyone who picks up on my Gilligan's Island pun.
Labels: fiscally responsible NBAers, Flint, MI perhaps Like Sprewells on a yacht
Posted by Buh-Bay at 5:53 PM 1 comments
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Farewell Sweet Prince
It's a travesty that the "game face" clip didn't top this list. Either way I'm going to miss that surly son of a bitch.
Labels: bleeps, Duff beer bottles, grecian formula
Posted by Buh-Bay at 10:12 AM 0 comments
Saturday, February 9, 2008
More choking than a Briana Banks film
As a final wrap-up on the Superbowl, enjoy a Pat's fan. In misery.
Labels: slobbery number 7, tears streaming down her face but she's not sad, why try to be funny when this guys good at it?
Posted by Number 2 at 11:51 AM 0 comments
Thursday, February 7, 2008

Labels: Brandy's wig collection, Patriots: The new Buffalo Bills?, real killing on film
Posted by Number 2 at 8:53 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Gonzalez invited to Cards camp, strains oblique
On Monday the St. Louis Cardinals invited two-time MVP Juan Gonzalez to training camp as a non-roster player.
The 38-year-old Gonzalez last played in 2005 with the Cleveland Indians, when he injured his hamstring on the first at bat of the season. He has 434 career homers- one for each of his illegitimate children.
On Wednesday Gonzalez began rehabbing an oblique muscle that he strained while hanging up the phone after accepting the Cardinals invitation.
Posted by both sides of the fence at 8:04 PM 0 comments
What's In A Name?
After much debate on what to call David Tyree's exhilarating catch in Super Bowl XLII, Sports Illustrated released their special Super Bowl issue yesterday dubbing, what might have been the greatest catch in SB history, "The Immaculate Snatch."
Women in the community are in an uproar stating that the cover of this magazine is vulgar and makes them feel vulnerable.
Moms everywhere are asking for the issue to be pulled from shelves.
Labels: god, jesus, Red Snapper
Posted by The Saint at 7:50 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Yes, it certainly seems to be raining shit on "Coop" Cooper
New England Patriots defensive back Willie Andrews pleaded not guilty to drug possession Tuesday, hours after authorities said they found him with a half-pound of marijuana. Andrews was charged with possession of marijuana with intent to distribute and driving an unregistered motor vehicle. Prosecutors said he had $6,800 in cash, three bags of marijuana, and no means to smoke the drugs, unless you count the notepad in the console, and the erroneously pre-printed "Pats Win, Cap Perfect Season" Boston area newspapers in the back seat. We can only assume he was buying for an entire team, looking to numb themselves until sometime in June.

Labels: Maui Waui, New England Choke-triots, Scourge of the ghetto
Posted by Number 2 at 5:37 PM 0 comments
They want to be a part of it, New York, New York!
An eclectic mix of fair-whether fans, coked out stockbrokers, and dippy Manhattan school chums came out of the woodwork today in the Big Apple for a giant celebration(hehehe). That's right Roker, I didn't even watch the Today show this morning and I know that's how one you douchebags announced it to America, my money's on that obnoxious cougar Viera. New York is truly a melting pot. It doesn't matter what part of the world you're from, in this town you can jump on the bandwagon anytime, why just ask some dipshit soccer fan from Morocco...
Fans threw hats to the players, who signed them and threw them back. Mehdi Machkour, a 26-year-old restaurant worker from Brooklyn, wasn't quite sure which two players signed his hat. The native of Morocco is more of a soccer fan, but this day brought a big change.
"Now I love football," he said.
Spoken like a true New Yorker.
Labels: blow, green cards, New Jersey football teams
Posted by Buh-Bay at 4:58 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 4, 2008
Horseshoes and Hand-Grenades.

Labels: Cheaters proof, Drip drip drip, R. Kelly's disciples
Posted by Number 2 at 5:59 PM 0 comments
Friday, February 1, 2008

Labels: Fully OPERATIONAL space stations, pooper scoopers, pre-meditated hangover
Posted by Number 2 at 12:01 AM 0 comments
Thursday, January 31, 2008
F*ck me...
Labels: instant bad mood, suicide watch, time traveling
Posted by Number 2 at 10:25 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
You can skip the Superbowl...
Labels: I couldn't even watch this, Superbowl hype, Watching digital Shockey on the sideline
Posted by Number 2 at 11:02 PM 2 comments
St. Luke’s Hospital to hold Celebrity Mercy Tournament for the Homeless.
Early August Event:
All proceeds will go to that guy who rides his girls bike on the railroad tracks. Among some of the more high profile Mercy competitors will be Shaquile O'Neal, Brett Favre, Arsenio Hall, and John "Step Right Up"Carney. "August 3rd will be a day of agony for some, and ironing for others" Shaq says.
Labels: H Jays, Magic Johnson, The Willenium
Posted by The Saint at 12:02 PM 1 comments
F.H. Hump Day Poll:
Labels: Breast Cancer Research, Cake Eating, Mortal Kombat
Posted by The Saint at 11:39 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Santana CD's to be sold on eBay
Somewhere Carlos Santana was putting his hands together and bowing.
Labels: 3AM, bad deals, classic rock 98.1
Posted by both sides of the fence at 7:13 PM 1 comments
Gasolina? No mas.
The Twins traded a goatee that would make Tom Selleck wet for a bag of NY Mets chin pubes on Tuesday afternoon. It is surely raining shit on Minnesota sports fans. In what has become an almost annual tradition the "land of lakes" lost its third superstar in four years to a slob infested east coast city. Oh well, at least we didn't trade him to the Cowboys. We brought three Lombardi trophies to that toilet, and I still can't get laid in Texas.
Labels: impotence, prison rape, very well kept facial hair
Posted by Buh-Bay at 5:16 PM 0 comments
Saturday, January 26, 2008
KG makes rare 4th quarter appearance
Career fourth quarter Siegfried and Roy disciple Kevin Garnett stole the ball from Minnesota's Sebastian Telfair as time expired to seal an unimpressive 87-85 Celtics victory last night in Boston. Thank God the Celtics didn't need a score from #5 in the closing seconds, I don't know who he would've passed to now that Dean Garrett is retired.
Labels: elastic, over excitement, shredded esaphogas
Posted by Buh-Bay at 12:47 PM 3 comments
Friday, January 25, 2008
Peyton on Eli: Don't sell him short...
In an interview given to Sports Illustrated's Peter King, Peyton Manning claims that Superbowl 42 will not be the only appearance in the big game by his younger brother. Citing his knowledge of the game, receivers, youth and the physical gifts bestowed from their father, Manning refuses to believe that the tandem of brother's success is a fluke. This is clearly a sibling Superstar duo that will leave it's mark on the world like no other...
Labels: Insinuation, Oreo Racing League, Rail tooting league
Posted by Number 2 at 11:57 PM 1 comments
Deck the halls with balls of Rory
Tiger Woods agitator, and hair gel enthusiast Rory Sabbatini kicked off what should be a pretty nondescript 2008 PGA season this week. Rory's leader board status at the Buick Invitational dropped faster than Bruce Jenner's dignity after marrying into a family of whores, or Botox, or maybe it was a little bit of both. Nonetheless, the little guy couldn't stay in the hunt when he saw Tiger Woods began making the Torrey Pines course his bitch. I know how you feel Rory. In fact I had that same feeling today at the sub shop when some douchey office worker pulled out a list of sandos for every swingin' dick with a cubicle. Unfortunately there's nothing to do except look at the guy or player next to you and let out an "Ah, fuck me."
Labels: bent shafts, hair gel, mediocrity
Posted by Buh-Bay at 7:31 PM 0 comments
What's Your Soup Du Jour?
The Campbell Soup Company (CPB) released a statement today saying that they have fired current quarterback spokesperson Donovan McNabb and will be shopping for a new quarterback for their Fully Loaded line of Chunky soups. Campbell’s Fully Loaded line is said to be, “Packed, crammed, and jammed with extreme amounts of meat!” and that “Chunky Fully Loaded takes soup to the next level.” Vice President of Food Operations exec. Tom Gettsburg said, “Donovan’s numbers have been lack luster this season” and he “can’t see Donovan taking their soups to that next level in the future.” It is rumored that McNabb will be looking to work for the Minnesota based Hormel Foods Corp. (HML) next year. McNabb’s agent could not be reached for comment.
In related news, the revered Reverend Al Sharpton is calling for the community to boycott Campbell’s Soup. Stating that it is racist. “Until this company of debauchery and ratfinkery changes its racist ad from “In the Black Can” to the more politically correct “In the Afri-Can.””
Labels: Moms feeding their young
Posted by The Saint at 1:21 PM 0 comments
We couldn't let you go into a weekend sans football without letting you know the most powerful things in the world of sports. Here's our breakdown...
Labels: Glitter shorts, killing time at work, Meaningless power rankings
Posted by Number 2 at 11:34 AM 0 comments
F.H. Off Topic - Floating Bags: Not as Beautiful As Once Thought
An unidentified man claimed to have captured a two-minute video on his cell phone of a Super America bag that was blowing around a snow bank outside of his workplace. His apparent intention was to email the video to his long time girlfriend as an early Valentine’s Day present.
“(She) just watched it over my shoulder at our computer with this perplexed look and a crinkled up nose. Afterward she left the room without saying anything to me.” he said. “She just didn’t get it. She never gets it.” Adding, “It may have been because one of my work buddies uses the snow bank as a makeshift urinal sometimes, but I’m not sure.”
Ten years ago reported the Floating Bag genre of videos made it to the number one way for someone who thinks deeply to express their own creativity.
Posted by The Saint at 11:10 AM 0 comments
RETRACTION: Simpson/Romo still on

Labels: Couldn't hold my load, finer points of discourse, The "Gelatenous Zeppelin Martini"
Posted by Number 2 at 10:14 AM 0 comments
Thursday, January 24, 2008
BREAKING NEWS: Romo/Simpson Part ways
Acclaimed smiler, and playoff choke artist, Tony Romo, has sent Jessica Simpson packing. Insiders sight Romo's lack of "confidence" as a sore spot for Simpson's unsatiable sexual appetite (or so my penis speculates).

Labels: Drinking the blood of the innocent, League leader in smiles, Pirate Turtle Necks
Posted by Number 2 at 8:36 PM 0 comments
Marko Jaric--2008 NBA Man of the Year
Amid the spectacle of the two week Xanax fest that is the Super Bowl layover, there is sure to be plenty of who's banging who dish. Tom Brady's got Gisele to dress him in effeminate boots, while the big, blue, defecation machine(allegedly) Osi Umenyiora is getting all loose booty on V.S. model Selita Ebanks. Too bad neither of these two "winners" have shit on Marko Jaric. The Minnesota Celtics swing man is shacking up with another V.S. wax er, Adriana Lima.
"Coach, you've got to get a wiff of this pie."
7 and 34 doesn't sound so bad now, huh dildo? Look, anyone playing in the Super Bowl is bound to pull some ass, but to be pulling it on a semi-pro NBA squad and be eastern European? Hell. That's the stuff heroes are made of.
Labels: defecation, euro trash, xanax
Posted by Buh-Bay at 6:24 PM 1 comments