Thursday, August 14, 2008

That's sohhhh Swisha!

Yesterday John Donovan of officially became responsible for wetting the panties of every baseball fan in the Windy City. But the drippiest undies of them all might reside in the trousers of White Sox outfielder Nick Swisher. When asked of the possibility of an all-Chicago World Series Nick appears to transform into a 16 year old girl, from 1999. "Oh my god. That would be am-aaa-zing," says the 27 year old. Swish goes on to further remove himself from his age group, "You know what it would be like? You know what it would be like? Like Varsity Blues. That movie? Where the town shuts down? That's exactly what it would be. Every bar, every sports bar, every pub would be absolutely packed. You couldn't move."

If this series comes to fruition, and the Sox win, I expect to see Swisher crack a couple bottles of Old Style and hose himself down, Tweeter style. Like amazing.